Welcome! On this site I will collect some translations and editions of Buddhist classics. The main item as of now though, is a Sanskrit grammar. The languages that I may use are Sanskrit, Pāli, Tibetan, English and Swedish. Since I consider each of them a unique publication they will all have a typography of their own.
- Lennart Warnemyr, MA, M.Sc.
Lund, Sweden.
An Analytical Cross Referenced Sanskrit Grammar.
A Sanskrit grammar of mine, which describes the old classic language of India in some detail in a semi-formal language with full paradigms (when possible).
The Vajra Seven-Line Prayer.
With a summary of Mipham Namgyal’s commentary done by Tulku Thondup.
21 Taras
A Nyingma commentary on the Tantra of Twenty-one Homages to Tārā (Āryatārā-namaskāraikaviṃśatistotram) together with the original sanskrit and vocabulary.
