√ han, “smite” |
√ had √ han √ har |
PresentI. hanāmi TA., ahanat -nan B.+ I. jíghnate etc. RV.B.,-ti etc. B.; jaghnant E II. hánti hatás ghnánti etc. V.+, hate ghnate etc. V.+ (hanma E.; ghnīya -īta B.C1., hánīta etc. B.; jahí V.+, handhí TA.; ahata 3p. AB.) VI ? aghnam E., ghnata (2p.) E.+, aghnanta ghnamāna E VIII. hanomi PGS Passivehanyáte etc. V.+,-ti E FutureSimple Future: haniṣyáti etc. V.+,-te etc. B.+ (ahaniṣyat E.+); haṃsyati E Periphrastic Future: hantā E AoristRAo: ajīghanat etc. E.+ -s-Ao: ghān ? S. ahasta -iṣ-Ao: ahānīt JB Ao/Ps/3/sg: aghāni Perfectjaghā́na jaghnús etc. V.+ (jaghántha V.; jaghanvā́ṃs V.B., jaghnivā́ṃs B.+; jaghánat RV.), jaghne etc. B.+ Causativeghātayati etc. B.+,-te etc. E.+ (aghātayithās E.) ajīghatat Desiderativejíghāṃsati etc. V.+ (ajighāṃsīs ŚB.),-te etc. E.+ Intensivejáṅghanti etc.-ananta V.B., jaṅghanyate U.; ghánighnat RV.; jījahi ? E. jeghnīya-. Verbal NounsPPP: hatá V.+, ghāta B.; Inf: hántum V.+,-tave V.B.,-tavaí V.B.S.,-tos V.B., hanitum C1.; 1Abs: hatvā́ V.+,-tvī́ RV.,-tvā́ya V.; 2Abs: -hátya V.+,-hanya E.+;-ghā́tam B.+ Derivatives
Meaningshánti hate jíghnate jíghnati 1 v (hanati), PPP hatá (q.v.) smite, beat, strike, strike down, hew off, hit, pierce, hurt, injure, throw (a spear or an arrow) upon (G or D), slay, kill, destroy (ātmānamātmanā one's self), suppress, give up, abandon. Caus. ghātayati (q.v.). Des jíghāṃsati (te) wish to strike down or kill. Int jáṅghanti (jaṅghanyate) tread upon (L or A) strike, slay, destroy; vex, afflict.
apa beat off or out, repel, destroy, unhusk (corn). abhi strike at, beat (drum), smite, afflict, visit, touch. Des wish to strike down. ava throw down, strike, hit; scare away, repel, keep off. ā strike at (L or D, Ā strike a part of one's own body); hit, beat, attack, assault. abhyā hit, strike, wound, impede. pratyā ward off, repel. vyā strike, hit, impede, hinder, keep off. samā beat (together), strike at, hew down, kill. ud force up, raise; root up or out; dig or throw up; Ā hang one's self. upa beat, strike, touch; stick on, fix, fasten; hit, hurt, afflict, damage, destroy. ni strike in or down, hurl upon (L); hit at, touch; attack, assail; slay, destroy, bring to nought. abhini spit, put on; strike at (A). praṇi bring to nought, destroy (Aor G). pratini strike against (A). vini beat, strike down, kill, destroy. saṃni strike at, attack, kill. nis dash out or off, drive away, slay, destroy. parā strike off or down, overthrow; hit, touch. pari strike around, encompass; extinguish (fire). pra beat, strike at (A), hew down, kill. abhipra, (*nipra w. G), & vipra overwhelm. prati strike against (G), strike at, attack (A); strike down, break; pierce, broach; beat back, repel, hinder; frustrate, destroy. vi strike apart, break down, destroy; spread, extend; tear or beat off, repel, resist, frustrate. sam strike together, join or unite closely, conglomerate; strike or break down. P. thicken (intrans.), become firm or solid. Cf. abhihata, āhata, uddhata, vihata, saṃhata, samuddhata. |
Copyright © 2005 Lennart Warnemyr |