

√ 1 ūh, “remove”

1 ūrṇu

1 ūh

2 ūh


I. ū́hati V.+,-te V.+


uhyate B.+, ūhyate C


√-Ao: uhyāt ŚB.; ohi C.

RAo: aujihat

-iṣ-Ao: auhīt B


ūhāṃ cakāra


ūhayati C

Verbal Nouns

PPP: ūḍha B.+, ūhita C.; Inf: ūhitum E.+, oḍhum E.+,-ūhitavaí B.; 2Abs: -ūhya B, +,-úhya B.+;-óham RV.,-ū́ham MS


ūha AV.+


ūhyà B.+


ūhanīya S.+


ūḍhi C.


-ūhaka C.


ūhana S.+


ūhitavya C.


-oha RV.








-oghas? RV.


Doubtless a differentiated form of √ vah from which in some forms and meanings it is hardly to be separated.


(uh) ū́hati ūhate v PPP ūḍha & ūhita 1 shift, change.


adhi put on; raise above (L).

apa push off, remove, destroy; avoid, shun, give up. vyapa dispel, remove, destroy.

abhi overlay, cover.

ava push down.

ud push upwards, bring forth. abhyud push on, push further. vyud push asunder, move away, sweep out.

upa push near, insert, produce. samupa bring near, offer.

nis push out, pull out, remove.

pari heap or pile round, surround, fortify.

prati push back, strip off, doff, remove; keep off, detain; reject, refuse; outstrip, surpass, excel; disturb, interrupt.

vi push asunder, separate; divide, arrange (esp. in battle-array). prativi arrange in return.

sam bring together, gather, collect. parisam sweep together.

Cf. udvyūḍha, upoḍha, nivryūḍha, vyūḍha.