

īkṣ, “see”





I. ī́kṣate etc. V.+,-ti etc. B.+


īkṣyate etc. S.+


Simple Future: īkṣiṣyáte etc. B.+,-yáti B

Periphrastic Future: īkṣitā


√-Ao: aikṣi C

RAo: aicikṣat

-iṣ-Ao: aikṣiṣi etc. B. (aikṣīt C. ?)


īkṣā́ṃ cakre etc. B.+, īkṣāṃ cakrus E


īkṣáyati etc. V. +,-te AV. (īkṣyate S.)


īcikṣiṣa- (in d.)

Verbal Nouns

PPP: īkṣitá B.+; Inf: īkṣitum E.+; 1Abs: īkṣitvā B.; 2Abs: -ī́kṣya B.+;-īkṣam B.S


ī́kṣa B.+


īkṣin E.+


īkṣaṇa RV ? S.+.


-īkṣitavyà B.+


īkṣā B.+


-īkṣya E.+


īkṣaṇīya E.+


īkṣitṛ C.


ī́ṣaka B.+


īkṣeṇyà RV.


īcikṣiṣu C.




Only three occurrences in RV., but growing rapidly common. Active forms sporadic


ī́kṣate v (ī́kṣati), PPP īkṣitá (q.v.) look, view, behold, perceive, see (l. & f.), consider, regard, expect; *tell fortune to (D). Caus. īkṣayati cause to look at (A).


apa look away, look off to, watch, regard, consider, wait for, expect, require.

abhi look at (A).

ava look at, view, consider, regard, expect, hope. anvava regard, consider. pratyava look at, inspect, examine. samava view, regard, consider.

ud look up to, gaze at (A), wait, expect. samud look up to, gaze at, behold, perceive; think of, consider (A).

upa look on, behold, observe; overlook, neglect. samupa the same.

nis look at, perceive, contemplate.

pari look round, investigate, scrutinize, examine.

pra look at, behold, perceive; overlook, neglect. abhipra view, regard. utpra look up to (A), regard as (2A), suppose, imagine; transfer, use or call metaphorically (rh.). upapra P disregard, overlook. abhisaṃpra look at (A).

prati look towards. behold, observe; wait, expect; bear with, tolerate (A). saṃprati wait, expect.

vi regard, behold, deliberate, ponder, consider as (vat); inquire, perceive, discern. anuvi look about, behold; examine, try. abhivi & samabhivi regard, behold, perceive, observe. udvi look (up) to, perceive, observe, investigate.

sam look upon, behold, observe, consider; think of, aim at (A); try, examine, find out, ascertain. abhisam & prasam behold, regard, consider.