√ lup, “break” |
√ luḍ √ lup √ lubh |
PresentVI. lumpáti etc. AV.+,-te etc. S.+ Passivelupyáte etc. AV.+ (lúpyate TS.), -ti S FutureSimple Future: lopsyati -te Periphrastic Future: loptā Aorist√-Ao: lopi S Th Ao: alupat RAo: alūlupat E. alulopat -s-Ao: alupta; lopsīya U Perfectlulopa etc. B.+, lulupe E Causativelopayati -te etc. JB.E+ (lopyate C.) Desiderativelulupsa- , lulopiṣa- Intensivelolupatpyate etc. U.+ Verbal NounsPPP: lupta AV.+; Inf: loptum C.; 1Abs: luptvā S.+; 2Abs: -lupya AV.+;-lúmpam MS.,-lopam S.C Derivatives
Compare the other root-form, √ rup. lolupa belongs in meaning to √ lubh.
Meaningslumpáti (lumpáte) v PPP lupta 1 (q.v.) break, harm, injure, attack, rub, plunder, consume, throw away, suppress, destroy, cause to disappear. P. lupyáte (lúpyate, lumpáti (lumpáte), PPP lupta 1 (q.v.) break, harm, injure, attack, rub, plunder, consume, throw away, suppress, destroy, cause to disappear. P. lupyáte (lúpyati) be broken or harmed etc ; be suppressed or elided, disappear (g.). Caus. lopayati, te omit, neglect, infringe, violate; divert from (Ab). Int lolupyate etc. confuse, disturb.
apa pluck off, sever; P. fall off. ava strip off, snatch away; seize, attack; suppress, destroy. ā pull out, sever; P. be troubled or disturbed. vyā break, destroy. uda & samud take out, pick up. pari take away, remove, destroy. pra pluck out, rob, deprive of (tas). vipra take away, rob; trouble, disturb. vi tear or break in pieces, pull out or up, take away, rob, plunder, destroy, ruin; P. Ā decay, perish, disappear, be gone or missing. sam pluck, pull, snatch away; Caus. ruin, destroy. |
Copyright © 2005 Lennart Warnemyr |