

sthā, “stand”





I. tíṣṭhati etc. V.+,-te etc. V.+ (tiṣṭhāsam ? GGS.)


sthīyate etc. B.+ (asthāyiṣi C1.)


Simple Future: sthāsyati -te etc. B.+

Periphrastic Future: sthātā etc. E.+


√-Ao: ásthāt etc. V.+ (sthāti sthā́thas stheyāma sthā́nt RV.), ásthithās -ita V.+, ásthiran V.B.

Th Ao ? āsthat AV.K

-s-Ao: sthāsīṣṭa; stheṣam B., -ṣus ? AV. asthiṣi -ṣata B.+

Precative: stheyāsam

Ao/Ps/3/sg: asthāyi C


tasthaú tasthe etc. V.+


sthāpayati etc. V.+,-te etc. V.+ (átiṣṭhipat etc. V.B.;-sthā́pam B.; sthāpyate etc. B.+;-sthāpayiṣati B.)


tiṣṭhāsati etc. B.+ (tiṣṭhā́set ? ŚB.)


tāsthā- , teṣṭhīya-

Verbal Nouns

PPP: sthitá V.+; Inf: sthā́tum B.+,-tos B.S.,-sthitum R.; 1Abs: sthitvā E.+; 2Abs: -sthā́ya V.+;-sthā́yam V.B


sthā́ V.+


-sthu V.+


sthā́man V.C.


tiṣṭhāsā C.


-stha V.+


-sthṛ B.


sthemán B.+


tiṣṭhāsu C.


-sthin AV.+


sthāyuka B.


sthéyas V.+


sthāpaka E.+


-sthāya E.


sthíti B.+


sthirá V.+


sthāpin C.


-sthāyaka C.


sthití ŚB1.


sthāla ,-lī́ ? V.+


sthā́pya B.+


sthāyin B.+


sthātavya E.+


-sthā́van V.B.


sthāpana E.+


sthā́na V.+


sthātúr RV.


sthāvará B.+


sthāpanīya B.+


-sthi RV.


sthātṛ V.+


sthāsnu S.+


sthāpitṛ C.


stheya B.+


sthātrá V.


tasthu C.


sthāpayitavya E.+


-sthéya n B.


sthāṇú V.+




sthāpayitṛ E.+



A number of derivatives are also made from a root √ sthū, which appears to be only a form of √ sthā. They are:


sthūrá V.B.


sthávira V.+


sthū́ṇā V.+


stháviman B.


sthūlá AV.+


sthā́vira RV.


sthū́ri ? V.B.


sthávīyas B.+




-sthāva B.




stháviṣṭha B.+




tíṣṭhati tíṣṭhate v PPP sthitá 1 (q.v.) stand, stay, stop, remain, wait; stand by (L), declare for (D); hold out or bear up against (G puras); continue in a condition or action (N, esp. of a pp ; ger., I or L), exist, be present; belong to (D or G); serve for (D); be turned to, rest on, abide in (L); enter, mount, ascend (A), spring or arise from (G or Ab); cease, desist from (Ab); remain unmentioned, be left aside (esp. imper.). Caus. sthāpáyati, te cause to stand, stop, arrest, restrain; put, place, set in (L r. A, w. vaśe subdue), appoint to (L or artham, r. A); commit, entrust to (L or haste); found, erect, build, establish; fix, settle, determine; make, render (2A). Des tíṣṭhāsati wish to remain in (I).


ati rise over; rule, master (A).

adhi stand upon, mount, ascend; stay, abide, be fixed or situated in (L or A); be founded or based upon (L); use, employ, show, betray; also = prec. samadhi direct, guide, rule, manage, carry on.

anu stand still after or together with (L or A); stay, abide, sit down upon (A); follow, obey, conform one's self to, imitate, help, assist; carry on, practise, commit, perform, do.

antar bar the way, obstruct, arrest.

apa stand aloof, forsake (Ab).

api stand in the way of (A).

abhi set the foot upon, rise over, step towards or against (A), withstand, overcome.

ava Ā (P) stand off, withdraw; be deprived of, miss (Ab); go down, descend; enter, come to (A or L); fall to one's (D) share; stop, stand still; abide or remain in (L); continue doing or being (ger., N, or I); exist, be present; begin, undertake, determine. Caus. cause to stand, stop, restrain; let stand, leave behind; put, place, lay etc. in or on (L); establish, fix, settle; strengthen, comfort. paryava Ā become strong or firm; penetrate, pervade. Caus. excite, comfort. pratyava Ā come back, return (w. punar); resist, oppose. Caus. w. ātmānam compose one's self. vyava Ā be separated, part from (Ab); stop, stay, remain; prepare for (D); be valid, pass for, appear as (N). samava Caus. stop, arrest; fasten, strengthen.

ā stand on (L); mount, ascend; step into, enter; take one's place at, resort to (A); get to, partake of, enjoy (A); undergo, incur; take, choose, use, employ. Ā accede to, acknowledge; stand by, set a value upon (L). Caus. cause to ascend or enter, introduce; cause to stay, keep back; put, place, lay; bring near, procure; fix in. fasten to (L). anvā enter, ascend, attain (after one another). upā go to, have intercourse with (A); attend to, observe. samupā step near; attend to, practise. samā ascend, resort to, enter, stop, stay; prepare for, set about, take to, choose, use, employ, practise, execute.

ud stand up, rise (esp. from a sacrificial acts, i.e. finish, close), awake, appear, sprout, grow. Ā raise one's self to, prepare for (D or L). Caus. cause to stand up, raise, scare up, awaken (from sleep or death); lift up, erect, establish; pull or draw out; send off, expel, incite, instigate, urge on, encourage. Des wish to rise. anūd rise after, follow. abhyud rise towards, go to meet (A); begin, undertake. upod rise before or to meet, approach, go to (A). prod spring up, rise, appear. pratyud rise up to meet (A). vyud rise up in different directions; turn from, give up (Ab); forget one's duty (Ā). Caus. call in question, disagree about (A); alienate, remove, depose. samud rise (together), come out of, spring from (Ab); appear, become visible; go about to work, prepare for (L or Inf). Caus. cause or bid to rise, lift up, rouse, awaken.

upa stand by, near, opposite, or round (A); come near, approach, resort to, attend on, serve, worship; present with (I); be present or at hand, be to one's disposal or fall to one's (A or G) share. Caus. cause to stand near or opposite (A); fetch, bring near. anūpa step near (after one another), approach (A). abhyupa worship. Caus. bring near. paryupa stand around (A); attend with (I). pratyupa Ā stand opposite, attend on (A). samupa stand near, approach, fall to one's lot (A).

ni Caus. fix in (L). parini Caus. teach thoroughly (G of pers.).

nis grow forth, rise from (Ab); bring to an end, accomplish, prepare, make ready. Caus. drive out; prepare, make ready.

pari stand around or in the way; obstruct, hinder; be left, remain.

pra P (Ā) rise, stand upright, stand before (A); Ā be up or awake, (P) set out to go, depart from (Ab), betake one's self to (A prati or L). Caus. send out, dismiss, banish, put away. atipra rise above (A), be prominent. anupra set out after (A), follow; Caus. send after. abhipra go out in pursuit of, have in view (A prati), prevail over (A). Caus. drive out (cattle). vipra Ā (P) rise or set out (in various directions); go asunder, spread, expand. saṃpra Ā stand or step together (before the altar); set out to go, betake one's self to (A or L).

prati stand, stay, remain; stand still or firm, be established or founded upon (L); get a place or foothold, thrive, prosper; withstand, resist; spread over (A). Caus. set up, erect, fix, support; place in or upon, appoint to (L); present, offer, entrust or commit to (L). anuprati get on, thrive or prosper after (A). saṃprati apply to (L).

vi Ā (P) stand apart, go asunder, be spread in or over (A); part with or be separated from (Ab); stand firm, not budge. Caus. spread, extend. anuvi & abhivi Ā spread over, pervade (A).

sam Ā(P) stand by, remain with (L, w. vākye obey); stand still, stop, stay; meet (as foes); come to an end or to perfection; succeed, prosper; perish, die. Caus. lift up, raise, strengthen, comfort (w. ātmānam compose one's self); fix, erect, build, establish, settle; bring on or in (L); check, restrain; get through, finish, kill. anusam go along, pursue. Ā be finished later. abhisam stand still or end with (A). Caus. cause to stand still or to end with.

Cf. adhiṣṭhita, ánuṣṭhita, anusaṃsthita, ábhiṣṭhita, abhyutthita, abhyupasthita, avasthita, ā́sthita, útthita, úpasthita, upā́sthita, niṣṭhita, níḥṣṭhita (sic!), pariniṣṭita, páriṣṭhita, paristhita, paryavasthita (add.), paryupasthita, prátiṣṭhita, pratyupasthita, prásthita, protthita, víṣṭhita, vyavasthita, vyutthita, sásthita, samavasthita, samāsthita, samutthita, samupasthita, saṃpratiṣṭhita.