

√ 1 ci, “gather”


1 ci

2 ci


I. cayat cáyema RV

II. ceti RV

V. cinóti cinuté etc. V.+ cinvati (3s.) C


cīyáte etc. B.+ (-cīyant M.)


Simple Future: ceṣyáti -te etc. B.+

Periphrastic Future: cetā etc. E


√-Ao: acet citana ciyántu RV. ciyāt

-s-Ao: acaiṣam etc. B. aceṣṭa

-iṣ-Ao: cayiṣṭam RV


cikā́ya etc. cikye -yire etc. V.+ cicāya cicetha, cicye


cāyayate C. cāpayati


cikīṣate etc. B.+; cicīṣati C



Verbal Nouns

PPP: citá V.+; Inf: cetum B.+,-tavai B.; 1Abs: citvā́ B.+, cayitvā E.; 2Abs: -cítya C.,-cīya M


kāya VS. ? E.+


-cayiṣṭha RV.


cít B.


cītí AV.


caya S.+


-cāya B.


cítya AV.B.


cetavyà B.


cáyana AV.+


-cāyin E.+


-cityā B.+


-cetṛ B.


cayanīya C.


-cāyyà B.


cíti B.+


ceya S.E.+


cayitavyà MS.


-cicīṣā C.







See √ 2 ci.


cinóṇi cinuté (ceti, cáyati, cinvati) v PPP citá 1 (q.v.) heap up, pile up, arrange, construct, build (esp. the sacrific. altar); collect, gather; cover, inlay, set with (I); P. cīyate increase, thrive, abound. Caus. cayayati & capayati, cāyayati & cāpayati.


adhi heap or build upon (L).

apa gather, collect; P. decrease, wane, get rid of (Ab).

ava gather, pick off (*2A), take off (a garment).

ā & samā collect, accumulate; lad, cover, furnish with (I).

ud gather, collect, pick off. samud = prec., also connect, add.

upa connect, join; heap up, accumlate, augment, strengthen, cover, furnish with (I); P. increase, grow, get strong. samupa heap up, collect; P. increase, grow.

pari pile up, accumulate; P. increase, grow.

pra gather, collect, accumulate, augment, strengthen; P. increase, become strong.

vi pick out, select, segregate, sever, disperse, distribute. saṃvi select.

sam pile up, arrange, prepare, gather, accumulate.

Cf. apacita, ā́cita, upacita, nicita 1, paricita 1, pracita, samupacita, sácita.