

√ 1 i, ī, ay, “go”


1 i, ī, ay

2 i, inv, in


I. áyate etc. V.+, ayati etc. AV1. ? +

II i. iye RV1. iyāte RV1., ī́mahe V.B., iyāná V.+, íyati RV1., -iyánt ŚB.M. (imi TA1.; aitat AV1.; yan RV1.; īyāná SV1.; īyámāna ŚB.; īmahi C.) éti yánti etc. V.+,-ité -iyate etc. B.+

IV. ī́yate etc. V.B.C

V. see √ 2 i


īyate C


Simple Future: eṣyáti etc. AV.+,-te etc. B.+; ayiṣyati etc. B.+

Periphrastic Future: etā́ etc. B.+


√-Ao: īyāt etc. B.+ (iyāsam GGS.)

-s-Ao: (adhy-) aiṣṭa

-iṣ-Ao: āyiṣṭa


iyā́ya īyús etc. V.+ iyayitha (iyétha V.B., iyátha V.)-ayāṃ cakre E.+


(praty-) āyayati etc. (-āyyate) C.; (adhy-) āpayati -te etc. TA.E.+ āpipat


ayiyiṣate , iyiṣati


īyāyate PU1

Verbal Nouns

PPP: itá V.+,-īta C.; Inf: étum B.+, étave étavaí V.B., étos V.B.S.; 1Abs: itvā́ B.U.; 2Abs: -ítya V.+,-īya C.;-áyya B.; áyase, ityaí, iyádhyai RV.;-ā́yam V.B


áya V.+


-it B.+


-etu RV.


-āpaka C.


ayátha RV.S.


íti V.+


etavyá B.+


-āpya C.


áyana V.+


ití V.B.


etṛ́ V.+


-āpana E.+


-āya V.+


-itya B.S.


éma VS.


-āpayitṛ C.


-āyin AV.+


ityā́ V.B.


éman RV.


-āpin C.


-āyana AV.U.


-ítvan V.


-eya E.+


-āyaka C.


āyú V.+


itvará RV.C.


éva V.B.


-āyana E.


ā́yu V.+


-itha RV.


-ā̆yitavya C.




ā́yus V.+


īti E.+






-āyuka B.


īya- RV.






The last three derivatives only with prati; the four preceding, only with adhi. The forms most distinctly calling for the admisson of a root-form ī are, in the older language, ī́mahe V.B. (common in RV.), īyām and īyāte and īyus B.U., īyāná SV. (all single occurrences); in the later language,-īta, īti, -īya (all rare or sporadic). The present-stem ī́ya is improperly called intensive.


éti áyate áyati 2 v (íyati), ité & iyate (only – ), P. īyate, PPP itá (mostly – ) go, come (punar again or back); go to or towards, approach (A); attain, get; go or come from (Ab); cease, pass away; go on, continue (w. Pr PPP); be engaged in (I); w. A of an abstrans. often = become or get w. a PPP or Adj (cf. gam); ī́yate, PPP īyāná (also w. pass. mg), 1. pl. īmahe move, speed, hasten to (A, D or L), approach with prayers, implore, ask, request (w. 2A). – accha go to, approach (A). ati go beyond or past; go in, enter; overstep, exceed, overwhelm; leave behind, neglect, escape. abhyati go beyond, pass, neglect. vyati = abhyati + overcome, vanquish; cease, deviate, decline from (Ab). adhi perceive, notice, call to mind; repeat, study, learn, recite (esp. Ā adhīté). Caus. adhyāpayati (te) cause to learn, teach (2A). samadhi Ā study, learn.


anu go along or after, follow, pursue; obey, resemble, imitate (A).

antar go within or between; remove, exclude from (Ab, r. G).

apa go away, retire, escape, disappear. vyapa go asunder, part; cease, disappear.

api enter, dissolve into (A); perish, die.

abhi come up to, approach, appear; go against or along, enter (A); reach, meet, attain, get; betide, befall.

ava go down, descend; go to, rush on (A); go off, depart; look at, consider, perceive, notice; learn, understand; know that – (2A or A & N w. iti); w. īmahe conciliate, beg pardon of (G), for (A). samava meet in (A); consider, regard as (A w. iva).

ā come, go to (A or D), fall or get into (A); befall, betide; w. ūrdhvam rise. abhyā approach, come or go to (A), meet with (A or I); w. bhūyas come back. udā go up, rise; go out, come forth. upā come near, approach, betake one's self to or into (A), ask or beg for (2A). paryā walk about, circumambulate (A), return. pratyā return, come back to (A). samā approach together, gather, assemble at or in (A or L); meet, encounter (I samam); marry (I); come near, go to, enter (A).

ud go up, rise, mount, increase; spring forth, appear, begin. apod retire, withdraw, abstain from (Ab). abhyud rise, come forth, appear. samud rise. upa come near, arrive, enter from (Ab) into (A), address one's self to (A), approach sex., marry; attain, get, meet with (A of an abstrans., cf. S.); befall, betide. abhyupa arrive at, come to, meet, encounter; attain, get undergo, incur (w. A of an abstrans. = upa); suppose, believe, assent. samupa come together, meet, encounter, approach sex., turn or address one's self to; attain, get; come forth, appear; befall, betide.

ni go or fall into (A).

nis come forth.

parā go away, depart, die.

pari walk about, circumambulate, surround; come to, attain, get. vipari turn about, return; fail. saṃpari circumambulate, enclose; ponder on, consider.

pra go onward, set out, advance proceed; go to, attain, get; go on, succeed, prosper; go off, depart, die. anupra go after, seek for, follow. abhipra come near, go to, fall to one's (A) share; call to mind, think of, understand, consent to (A). saṃpra come together, meet.

prati go towards or against, meet, encounter; come near or back; address one's self to (A); fall to one's (D) share; accept, assume, admit, acknowledge, approve, believe, become or be sure of, trust, confide. P. pratīyate be understood, result from, follow. Caus. pratyāyayati make understood, show, explain, prove, convince.

vi go asunder, disperse, spread over, pervade; cease, disappear, perish. abhivi come from different parts to (A).

sam come together, assemble, meet, encounter, approach sex. (A or sārdham, saha w. I), agree, harmonize with (I). anusam = seq. + pass into, enter (A). abhisam & upasam go or come (together) to (A).

Cf. atīta, adhīta, antárita, anvita, ápīta, apeta, abhipreta, abhyatīta, abhyupeta, udita, udetos, upeta, parīta, pareta, pratīta, prādhīta, preta, prétya, viparīta, vīta, vyatīta, vyapeta, samanvita, samaveta, sámita, samupeta, sameta.