

√ 1 , si, “bind”


1 sā, si

2 sā


I ? sāmi santi seyam set M

V. asinot JB.,-sinvant RV. ?

VI ? syáti etc. V.+,-te etc. V.+

IX. sinā́ti etc. V.B.U


sīyate etc. E.+


Simple Future: sāsyati siṣyati M. seṣyati -te

Periphrastic Future: sātā, setā


√-Ao: asāt etc. V.B. (sāhi sitam RV., sīmáhi RV.TS. ?)

RAo: asīṣayat

-s-Ao: asaiṣīt, aseṣṭa

-siṣ-Ao: asāsīt

Precative: seyāt


sasau C.; siṣāya RV. (siṣet ? RV.) siṣye


sāyáyati etc. B.+


siṣāsa- , sisīṣa-


sāsā- , seṣi-

Verbal Nouns

PPP: sitá V.+; Inf: sātum JB., sétave AV.,-situm C.; 1Abs: sitvā S.; 2Abs: -sā́ya V.+,-sya E.+;-saí RV


- ? RV.+


-seya C.


-sya E.


setavya C.


-sāya E.+


-sā́na V.+


-siti V. ? C.


setṛ́ RV.


-sāyin B.+


-sātṛ RV.C.


sétu V.+


-sinva ? RV.



It is not practicable to separate the two forms of this root. Its prevailing use with ava has led to its reduction to mere s in some of the forms made from it.



si , syáti, syáte v (only – ), sinā́ti (sinoti), PPP sitá (q.v.) bind. Caus. sāyáyati (only – ).


abhi fetter, destroy.

ava unbind or unharness (the horses), turn in, stop, stay; go home or to rest; cease, finish, end; fix or insist upon (A); decide, ascertain. adhyava cease, stop, finish; fix upon (A), choose; resolve, venture, undertake (A, L, or Inf); suppose, conjecture; regard as, take for (2A). Caus. settle, determine. anvava stick or resort to, strive after, long for (A). udava set out (esp. from the place of sacrifice), conclude, finish; move off to (L). upāva settle down near (A). nirava Caus. furnish or satisfy with (I). paryava result, amount to or end in (L or A w. prati). vyava dwell separately; be at variance, differ; be persuaded or convinced of (A), regard as, take for (2A); decide, determine; settle, ascertain, resolve upon, undertake to (A, D, or Inf). samava decide for, fix upon (A).

ud fetter, catch.

vi make loose, untie, unyoke, open, set free.

Cf. átiṣita (add.), adhyavasita, ávasita, útsita, paryávasita, prasita, vyavasita.