√ sah, “prevail” |
√ sas √ sah √ 1 sā, si |
PresentI. sáhate etc. V.+,-ti etc. E.+ (sáhant RV.); sā́hati etc. RV1.E1 II. sakṣi sákṣva sā́kṣva RV IV. sahyāmi M1 Passivesahyate etc. C FutureSimple Future: sakṣyati etc. E.,-te B., sākṣye ? AV.; sahiṣyati -te etc. E.+ (asahiṣyat E.) Periphrastic Future: soḍhā E.+ sahitā Aorist√-Ao: sahāná RV.; sāhyā́ma V., sahyās etc. RV RAo: asīṣahat -s-Ao: asākṣi sākṣi RV., asakṣmahi B. (sākṣate RV.; sākṣīya etc. AV.B.), sākṣīt GB. (sakṣati AV., sakṣat RV., sā́kṣāma RV., sákṣat Part. RV.) -iṣ-Ao: ásahiṣṭa RV., sā̆hiṣīmáhi etc. V Perfectsehe (sehāná RV.; sasahe AV.; sasāhé etc. V.; sāsahāná V., sāsahīṣṭhā́s RV.), sehima -hus E. (sāsā́ha V.; sāsáhat etc. V., sāsahyā́ma etc. RV., sāsahvā́ṃs RV., sasahvā́ṃs TA., sāhvā́ṃs RV.) Causativesāhayati etc. E.+ Desiderativesī́kṣati -te etc. RV.TS. sisahiṣa- Intensivesāsah- Verbal NounsPPP: sāḍhá V.+, soḍha C.; Inf: soḍhum E.+, sahitum E.; 1Abs: sāḍhvā, sahitvā; 2Abs: -sáhya V.+;-sáham B.; sáhadhyai RV.K Derivatives
Meaningssáhate (sáhaṃti) 1 v PPP sāḍhá & soḍha overpower, win (battles), be victorious; be capable of or able to (Inf or L); master, withstand, suppress; bear, suffer, endure. Caus. sāhayati (mostly – ṃ) cause to endure, make supportable.* Des sī́kṣate wish to overcome.
abhi overwhelm, subdue; violate (a woman); bear, suffer, pardon. ud hold out, endure; be able to or capable of (Inf prati, L, or D). Caus. urge on, impel to (L). abhyud be a match for (A), be able to (Inf), incline to (D). prod Caus. encourage, excite, impel. samud be able to (Inf); Caus. = prec. Caus. nis overpower. pra vanquish, master, check, restrain; bear, endure; be able to (Inf). saṃpra master, restrain, control, bear, suffer. prati resist, overcome. vi (ṣahate) overcome, sustain, withstand, resist, bear, suffer; be able to (Inf). sam be a match for, withstand, overcome. Cf. prasahya. |
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