√ gup, “protect” |
√ guṇṭh √ gup |
PresentI. gopant ? C1 Passivegupyate etc. B FutureSimple Future: gopsyati etc. AV.+ gopiṣyati Periphrastic Future: goptā, gopitā AoristRAo: ajūgupat etc. B.S. (ajugupa- B.) -s-Ao: agaupsīt -iṣ-Ao: agopīt Perfectjugopa jugupus etc. V.+ Causativegopayati etc. E.+,-te etc. E. (gopyate E.) Desiderativejugupsate etc. B.+,-ti etc. E.+, jugupiṣa- (in d.) jugopiṣa- Intensivejogup- Verbal NounsPPP: gupitá V., guptá AV.+; Inf: goptum B., gopitum C Derivatives
Perhaps ultimately a denominative from gopā́, but assuming the aspect of a root even in the Veda. MeaningsPPP gupitá & guptá 1 (q.v.) keep, protect, guard from (Ab) Des jugupsate (ti) beware of, shun, detest; PPP jugupsita detested, abominable, or *detesting (w. Ab).
prati beware of (Ab). vi Des fly from, be afraid of (Ab). Cf. adhigupta, anugupta, abhigupta, saṃgupta. |
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