

vṛt, “turn”





I. vártate etc. V.+,-ti etc. U.+

II. vartti RV1

III. vavartti vavṛtyām etc.-tīya etc.-tsva etc. ávavṛtran -ranta vavártat -tati vavṛtat V.B


Simple Future: vartsyáti etc. AV.+ (avartsyat B.),-te etc. E.+; vartiṣyati -te etc. E.+

Periphrastic Future: vartitā B


√-Ao: avart etc. (vártat vartta) RV., avṛtran V.B

Th Ao: avṛtat etc. AV.B.C

RAo: avīvṛtat etc. V. avavartat

-s-Ao: avṛtsan C1., avṛtsata V.B.S

-iṣ-Ao: vartithās M


vavarta vavṛtus etc. V.+ (vāvárta -vṛtús V.), vavṛte etc. U.+ (vāvṛté V.)


vartayati -te etc. V.+ (vartayádhyai RV.; vartyate etc. B.+)


vívṛtsati etc. V.,-te B. vivartiṣa-


várvartti etc. várvṛtāna V.; varīvartti etc. V.B. (avarīvur RV.), varīvṛtyate B

Verbal Nouns

PPP: vṛttá V.+; Inf: vartitum E.+; 2Abs: -vṛ́tya V.+;-vṛ́te RV.,-vṛ́tas B.;-vártam B.+


vṛ́t V.+


vratá V.+


varti E.+


vratáti V.+


vṛtā́ RV.


vráta AV.


vartís RV.


vártman V.+


-varta V.+


vártana V.+


vṛtti B.+


varīvṛtá AV.


vartaka V.+


vartanīya E.+


várttu V.+


-vivṛtsu C.


vartin V.+


vartaní V.B.U.


-varttavya E.


-vartayitavya E.+


-vartya E.+


vártas VS.


vartitavya E.+


-vartayitṛ C.






-vartitṛ V.+





Contracted in one or two forms with anu to anvart: see √ ṛt.



vártate vártati vavartti 1 v (vartti), PPP vṛttá (q.v.) turn, revolve, roll, run off, pass away (time); go on, take place, happen, occur; abide, live, exist, be (also as simple copula), become; find one's self, feel (w. Adv); (vṛttim) deal with, act, proceed (Adv or I); behave towards (L), have intercourse with (saha, L with a woman); be concerned or occupied with (L or D); live or subsist on or by (I); conduce or tend to (D); be valid or supplying from a previous rule (g.). With mūrghni stand at the head, be chief in importance; w. hṛdi or manasi be turned or thought over in the mind; kiṃ vartate how is it with (G); ātmani na vartate he is beside himself (with joy etc.). Caus. vartáyati, vártate, vártati, vavartti 1 (vartti), PPP vṛttá (q.v.) turn, revolve, roll, run off, pass away (time); go on, take place, happen, occur; abide, live, exist, be (also as simple copula), become; find one's self, feel (w. Adv); (vṛttim) deal with, act, proceed (Adv or I); behave towards (L), have intercourse with (saha, L with a woman); be concerned or occupied with (L or D); live or subsist on or by (I); conduce or tend to (D); be valid or supplying from a previous rule (g.). With mūrghni stand at the head, be chief in importance; w. hṛdi or manasi be turned or thought over in the mind; kiṃ vartate how is it with (G); ātmani na vartate he is beside himself (with joy etc.). Caus. vartáyate cause to turn or roll, whirl about, brandish, turn i.e. fabricate by turning; spend, pass (time); lead a life, exist (jīvitam); live on or by (I); maintain, observe; perform, accomplish, make, do, utter; show, manifest; explain. tell, relate. Int várvartti, varīvartti, varīvṛtyate turn, roll, be present, exist. – accha Caus. bring near.


ati intrans. pass away (time), cease or desist from (Ab); trans, pass by, cross over, go beyond; overcome, resist, escape, transgress, neglect, omit, forget. vyati intrans. = prec., trans. (w. A) cross over, pass, overcome, escape. samati intrans. run away, trans. (w. A) pass by, escape.

adhi roll over (L); move or turn towards (Adv in tas).

anu intrans. pass or rise after, last, continue, also = S. (g.); trans. (w. A) roll after, follow, pursue, adhere, cling to, equal in (I) consent, agree, obey, oblige, be devoted to or intent upon, conform one's self to or depend upon, fall, into or partake of. Caus. cause to roll on, cause to follow or pursue, join to (L); recite, answer. samanu go after, follow, conform one's self to (A).

antar Caus. mix with (L).

apa turn off or aside, go away, withdraw. vyapa the same, desist from (Ab).

abhi move or turn towards (A or Adv in tas), rise, appear, take place; approach, advance (as friend or foe), meet, encounter, attack, conquer. samabhi approach, go against (A); come near or back; rise, appear.

ā P (Ā) turn or roll hither, sc. ratham = come to; turn around, pass by (A); Ā roll near or back (intrans.), revolve; go down, set; (punar) return, also = be born anew; be repeated or renewed. Caus. turn or come to (ratham); bring near, attract; turn round, invert, disturb, destroy; bring back, repeat, recite. Int move quickly, stir. anvā Ā roll after or along, follow; Int the same. apā turn away from (Ab). abhyā turn towards, resort to (A). Caus. approach (sc. ratham), repeat. upā turn towards, resort to (A), arrive at (A or L); turn from (Ab), return, come back. Caus. turn hither (trans.), bring near or back; obtain, win. abhyupā turn towards, get to, partake of (A). paryā turn round or away, turn into (I). Caus. put instead of something else. anuparyā go after or along, follow. abhiparyā turn towards or around. pratyā turn towards (A); return, come back. vyā turn away or back (intrans.); separate from or part with, get rid of (I or Ab); open, burst, split into (Adv in dhā); cease, come to an end. Caus. sever or free from (I or Ab); remove, destroy, annul. samā turn back, return, go home (esp. of a pupil after his apprenticeship); approach, come hither; turn towards (A); come off, take place, pass away. Caus. drive home (cows), dismiss (a pupil). abhisamā & upasamā return.

ud spring off, go out, disappear from (Ab), burst asunder, boil up, swell. Caus. burst asunder (trans.), destroy, ruin.

upa tread upon, approach, appear, befall.

ni turn round (trans. & intrans.); return (also into life i.e. be born again); turn away, flee, abstain or desist from, get rid of (Ab); end with or at (Ab); not belong to, be withheld from (Ab), stop, pause, cease, disappear. Caus. turn downwards, bring or lead back, keep off, avert from (Ab), give up, let go, withhold, suppress, annul; refuse, deny; grant, procure, perform, accomplish. abhini return; Caus. repeat. upani return, be repeated. pratini turn back from (Ab), escape. Caus. lead back, turn off, avert. vini turn back, desist from, renounce (Ab); cease, disappear, vanish, be extinguished (fire). Caus. lead or draw back, avert, annul, frustrate. saṃni turn back, return from (Ab); stop, pause; abstain or desist from (Ab), pass away. Caus. send or lead back, divert from (Ab); stop (trans.), suppress.

nis roll out, come forth, develop, grow, become (N), be performed or finished, return. Caus. bring forth, create, effect, perform, accomplish. abhinis come forth, develop; Caus. bring about, accomplish.

parā turn the back upon (Ab), turn round (udak towards the north), return; abstain or desist from (Ab).

pari turn round, move in a circle, roll (w. hṛdaye run in the mind); roam, walk about (A); return, go back to (A), be reborn in (L), change, alter (anyathā); abide, dwell; act, proceed, behave. Caus. turn round (trans.), move about, upset, alter, change, renew; turn topsy turvy i.e. confuse, destroy. vipari turn round, roll (w. hṛdaye = prec.), roam about, change, alter. saṃpari the same + come back, return; get rid of (Ab).

pra turn forward, set out, move on; come forth, rise, appear, originate from (Ab), come off, take place, happen, occur; undertake, begin, set about, prepare for (Inf, D, L, or artham); act, proceed, deal with (L); work, be valid, cause, effect; rest or be turned upon (L); last, continue; become, be present, exist; have the sense or meaning of (L). Caus. set in motion, hurl, cast, or send away; introduce, establish, appoint; produce, accomplish; form, make; show, exhibit; undertake, begin; use, employ. atipra come forth abundantly. abhipra move or roll towards, fall into (acc); set out, get in motion. saṃpra come forth, rise, begin, undertake, prepare for (D or L); deal with, behave towards (L). Caus. set in motion, set abroad, divulge, introduce; undertake, begin.

vi roll, run, turn, wallow, struggle; sink (sun); turn or run away, part with (I); come forth, rise from (Ab), expand, develop. Caus. turn, roll, contract (the brows); form, shape, make of (I); remove, keep off or asunder.

sam turn towards, approach, meet, encounter (as friends or foes), assemble, unite; take shape, come into being, originate or rise from (Ab), happen, take place, begin, be, become, be present, exist. Caus. turn to (A); roll, clinch (the fist); envelop, cover; hurl, cast; break, destroy; perform, accomplish. abhisam turn to (A), prepare for, begin (Inf).

Cf. atipravṛtta, ativṛtta, anuvṛtta, apavṛtta, apāvṛtta, abhipravṛtta (add.); abhyā́vṛtta, abhyupāvṛtta, ā́vṛtta, udvṛtta, upā́vṛtta (sic!), nirvṛtta, nivṛtta, parivṛtta, pravṛtta, vinirvṛtta, vinivṛtta, vívṛtta, vyā́vṛtta, saṃvṛtta, saṃnivṛtta, samāvṛtta.