√ yat, “stretch” |
√ yaj √ yat √ yabh |
PresentI. yátate etc. V.+,-ti etc. V.+ Passiveyatyate C FutureSimple Future: yatiṣyate etc. B.+,-ti etc. E.+ Aorist√-Ao: yátāna, yatāná RV RAo: ayīyatat -iṣ-Ao: ayatiṣṭa B Perfectyete etc. V.B.U Causativeyātáyati -te etc. V.+ (yātyate etc. B.+) Desiderativeyiyatiṣa- Intensiveyāyat- Verbal NounsPPP: yatta V.+, yatita E.; Inf: yatitum E.; 2Abs: -yátya B Derivatives
Meaningsyátati yátate v PPP yattá (q.v.) & yatita P join, connect, unite; P (Ā) associate one's self with, rival with (I); Ā join one's self with, meet (as friends or foes); Ā (P) try to join, strive after, endeavour at, be devoted to or intent upon (L, D, A prati, or Inf); Abs. exert one's self, take pains, be cautious or careful. Caus. yātáyati, te P put in order, arrange, join, connect (Ā refl.), remind (G) of (A); requite with reward or punishment (also Ā).
adhi Ā fasten, stick or put on. ā arrive, enter, stay or abide in (L), strive after (D). anvā Caus. P connect, unite, cause to join or partake of (L or A). upa Ā befall. ni Ā get at (L). nis Caus. carry off, lead away; fetch out of, get, procure, give back, restore, requite. pratinis Caus. give back, restore. pari surround. pra make effort, take pains, strive after, endeavour at (L, D, A, or Inf). prati thwart, oppose; retaliate, requite. vi Caus. arrange; do penance; vex, harass. sam P join, connect; Ā intrans. join with (I), assemble, meet together, encounter. Cf. anvā́yatta (sic!), ā́yatta, samāyatta, sáyatta. |
Copyright © 2005 Lennart Warnemyr |